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Loose Parts Ignite Curiosity

This Loose Parts Guide will get you started, so that you can easily nourish children's interests and not be overwhelmed.

Inside you will find:

A clear understanding of what loose parts are and feel confident explaining it!

✅LOADS of inspiration with pictures and detailed lists of all 8 categories

Printable tools to help educate parents and fellow educators on the benefits of children playing with loose parts

FAQ to support you in bringing loose parts into your programs

Bonus Cheat Sheet to provide many ways to use this guide for yourself, team, and collaboration

    I only want creativity filling your inbox, so you'll see inspiration and support dropping in...but not too much!

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    hey there! I am Veronica Green,

    an Early Childhoood Consultant who LOVES loose parts and all the creativity they bring to our learning envrionments, planning and a invaluable tool for supporting children will additional needs.

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    What is this fuss about loose parts?

    Boxes, rocks, shells, string, water and plants (just a few name a few loose parts) have been energetically devoured by children for years.

    Think back to your childhood. What did you play with?

    Over the years...decades even, children's play has evolved but the way they develop hasn't. Loose parts help bring back all the magical moments to childhood. The fort building, sliding down your stairs in sleeping bags, creating the biggest leaf pile and rolling around in it.

    Loose parts play is simple. It doesn't need to be complicated. This free guide will help you get started and keep it simple.

    So that you can enjoy the magic of these loose parts too.